About Us

Who are we? We are a new gaming studio developing games with the goal of providing unique gaming experiences that are accessible to everyone. This means that we are interested in creating original projects that will differ in gameplay from the rest in the world of games, even if it is too risky and aimed at only 2.5 people! Our team is truly unique and talented. Young, qualified people drawn from all over the world create truly new adventures.
Flat Reality is actively expanding its B2B (Business-To-Business) activities. We share our technological solutions, which we ourselves use in our Unity projects, we are engaged in video game publishing , distribution of game soundtracks , game promotion and playing the ukulele in the company of friends around the fire...! As people we are very different, but we are united by one thing - a passion for video games and everything connected with them. We want to introduce a new voice to the industry. And we will do everything to earn your trust in us, whether you are a player, a partner, or simply confused ours with the site of the construction company "Flat Reality"!

Andy Scarlett
He / him · CEO

Nikita Kolvertnov
He / him · is a Software engineer

Sergey Kologreev
He / him · Artist

any · Community Manager

Christophe Pereuil
He / him · Composer

Danil Bastrakov
He / him · Software engineer

Nikolay Tikhomirov
He / him · Sound designer